Bigger, Better News! SOLD AGAIN!

Remember how a few weeks ago I wrote about my two contemporary novels selling to Montlake Publishing?

OMG, that was soooo last month.

Now I have even bigger, better news! The wonderful, glorious Montlake Publishing has also bought my 2012 RWA® Golden Heart nominated historical romance, HIGHLAND PROMISE.

It will be released in December and I could not be happier.

For those of you who have known me for years and heard me say, “I’m going to write a book,  I am writing a book, I have written a book,” THIS is the book I’ve been talking about. These are characters who have followed me around, tapped me on the shoulder and whispered in my ear for longer than I care to admit. So I am doubly, triply, quadruply thrilled to see this story get to print.

There are loads of people I want to shower with gratitude but for now, let me just say “Thanks!” Because in spite of my shiny new publishing contract, I still have dinner noodles to clean up, laundry to fold, and a puppy to scold.

Happy wishes to all of you!!

One thought on “Bigger, Better News! SOLD AGAIN!”

  1. karen says:

    i like ur blog and have in my favorites, would like to get by enail

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