
A recent news report revealed that happiness is directly related to gratitude. That makes sense. If you are grateful for what you have, you don’t waste precious energy wanting what you don’t have. And it’s that sense of want which makes so many of us grouchy, restless, and sad. So, in the lingering spirit of Thanksgiving, here’s a list of just a few things I’m grateful for, in no particular order:

Coffee (Okay, that actually does belong at the top of the list.)

Little notes from my kids which say, “I love you,” and “You rock, Mom.”

Any man with a Scottish/Irish/English accent. Seriously, it doesn’t matter what he looks like. I’m that easy.

The smell of a new book. When they invent a scented Kindle, I’ll be all over that.

Glittery Christmas decorations.  The tackier, the better. That’s my policy.

The memory of that one night when I fit into that one pair of jeans and looked really good. (I haven’t been able to squeeze into them since but I cherish the recollection.)

A blank screen, so full of possibilities.

A full screen, so I can see I’ve accomplished something.

When someone says I’ve written something that made them laugh. Out loud. That means more to me than if you tell me I’m beautiful, that my kids are brilliant, or that Bono wants to sing a duet with me.

My husband’s perpetual indulgence of me being myself. (The man is a saint.)

Spell check.

Naturally curly hair. (It’s actually a love/hate kind of relationship.)

Flannel sheets, warm from the dryer, before the dog has gotten them all hairy.


Old movies I would watch with my mom, like Brigadoon and The Quiet Man.

Old friends who have known me for most of my life, and new friends who I’ll have for rest of my life. (You know who you are!)

The blessing of optimism that each new day can be a good day.

Did I mention coffee?

4 thoughts on “Gratitude”

  1. I had to laugh because so many of these things are on my list too. (I love that coffee began and ended the list!) And you cracked me up about the scented Kindle. You just never know what they might devise next. 🙂

  2. Stephanie says:

    You ALWAYS make me laugh out loud!

  3. Kirstin Damstra says:

    What about the smell of an old book? I *love* that smell!

  4. Theresa says:

    I love to read what you have written! It is the highlight of my evening when I find you have written something new! 🙂 I also have been sitting here smiling at my own memories of watching The Quiet Man with my mom…

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