Great Expectations

October 24th, 2012 was my first ever release day!

My debut novel, a romantic comedy called CRAZY LITTLE THING, was about to be set free on the world. And I had high hopes for the hoopla that day would bring. What I had not counted on was the fact that my husband had to work until 11pm, my kids both had ginormous school projects to complete, and I had other writing business to attend to. So instead of sucking up the bubbly, I sucked up any discontent and found myself at the grocery store at 7:30pm to buy neon colored duct tape for the aforementioned school project. Between loads of laundry, helping in the construction of a mobile made from bamboo and construction paper, spellchecking a report about ostriches, and answering the well-wishing emails from friends, the evening passed without much fanfare.

I did take time to revel with delight over the flowers from my publisher, and the flowers from my critique partners (although really, I should have sent flowers to THEM!) but other than that, the day was pretty much a work day.

Fast forward one week. Now, with the dust settled and those pre-release jitters behind me, I can really enjoy things. CRAZY LITTLE THING, at this moment, is in the top 1oo Best Sellers on Kindle, and high up on the list in several Amazon categories, including Romance, and Contemporary Romance. I am thrilled beyond measure by the outpouring of support I’ve recieved from friends, family, and readers from all over the place. Everyone should get to feel this good and I am truly grateful.

And just to make this journey even more surreal, I am currently listed (I say currently because these numbers bounce like ping pong balls) in the #2 slot for Amazon Books in the sub-sub-sub category of Literature & Fiction/Women’s Fiction/Domestic Life  which tucks me in just after Ken Follett and ahead of Molly Ringwald. How weird is that…


One thought on “Great Expectations”

  1. Congulations!! on your debut novel,”crazy little thing”. I LOVED!!! it. And, so funny.Was hoping you had more books out here for us to enjoy. Please keep them coming. You have great talent. Best Wishes!

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