Happy Family Life!

fam life rank

I am pleased to report I have not one, but TWO books at the top of several Amazon sales lists.

In the category of Best Selling Family Life Fiction, CRAZY LITTLE THING is #1 and HIGHLAND SURRENDER is #4. That certainly makes my family life happy!

CRAZY LITTLE THING is also #1 in Domestic Life Fiction and #5 in Contemporary Romance.

HIGHLAND SURRENDER is #2 in Historical Romance.

And (*cue drum roll*) in the Top 100 Best Selling books on Kindle across all genres, CRAZY LITTLE THING is #8, and HIGHLAND SURREND is #89!

Thank you, book buyers, for loving these books!



9 thoughts on “Happy Family Life!”

  1. Julie Born says:


    I’ve never written to an author before but I had to let you know how much I enjoyed Crazy Little Thing. How you mixed the humor in with the story was awesome!! I can’t tell you how many times I smiled, chuckled and laughed out loud. I’m not a Historical Romance type reader but I may just read Highland Surrender any way. I can assure you I will buy your new book coming out in June!!

    1. tbrogan says:

      Thanks, Julie!! I’m happy you enjoyed it. My historical book has a much different flavor to it and doesn’t have the big laughs of CRAZY!! But it has some smiles and some steamy other stuff!
      Thanks for you note!!!
      Tracy Brogan

    2. Sonia Robles says:


      I know I’m a few months late, and I hope that you’ve already read Highland Surrender, but if not, do so! I’m not a Historical Romance type myself, but I loved Tracy’s style of writing in Crazy Little Thing so much, I knew all her other books had to be just as good. Well, I was right!! You will not be disappointed!

  2. Ellen says:

    I just finished your book “Crazy Little Thing” last night. I literally could not put it down. Before I was finished with it, I had to FB about it. I included a link for Amazon and a couple of my “friends” purchased it. The character Dody was amazing! Every time she opened her mouth I laughed. I loved that story. This was the first book of your’s that I’ve read, I plan on reading more of your work! I love your sense of humor! Thanks for the laughs!!

    1. tbrogan says:

      Thanks, Ellen!! I’m so glad you enjoyed it!! It was a fun book to write and Dody always made me happy, too! Thanks for recommending it to your friends!! I appreciate the support!
      Best to you,
      Tracy Brogan

  3. gayle says:

    After setting our book club calendar for 2013, I would like you to know I have chosen Crazy Little Thing as the book for our July meeting I am hosting. I have decided to have book club on the beach (Lake MI). I searched for “just the right” book for the occasion, and was pleased with the summary of CLT. I will definitely give you my personal feedback on your book as well as our discussion in the sand!

    1. tbrogan says:

      Thanks, Gayle! I hope your book club enjoys the book and I look forward to hearing your thoughts! It’s a fun, rompy kind of summer read! Thanks for choosing it.

  4. Amber says:

    I absolutely loved Highland Surrender! It was so good that when I finished it, I started reading it again. One of the best Historical romances ever! It would make the best movie! Anyway, I normally never write to the author, but I wanted you to know how amazing I thought it was.

    1. tbrogan says:

      Thanks so much, Amber! I like to picture it as a movie in my head so wouldn’t that be fun if it was made into one? Ahhh, the casting…. Anyway, I’m thrilled you enjoyed the book. I appreciate you taking the time to drop me a note!

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