TheBestMedicineI’m very excited to share the summerluscious cover of my next book, THE BEST MEDICINE! I wish it could come out and play right now since so many of us are shivering from this abominable polar vortex! But, alas, this book comes out in May. Like the flowers and the sunshine. You just have to wait for it. (But feel free to pre-order it!)

Here is a little taste:

Everyone in Bell Harbor thinks career-minded plastic surgeon Evelyn Rhoades needs a husband. Everyone, that is, except for Evelyn…sort of. Even if she did want a husband (which she doesn’t…most of the time), she’d never let something as intangible as fate determine who she marries. No, if she’s going to find someone to spend her life with, she’ll do it scientifically: with a carefully crafted list of criteria and an Internet dating site.

But when intoxicated, law-breaking Tyler Connelly crashes into her life by way of a stolen Jet Ski, unruly emotions defy common sense. Sure, he’s sexy, charming, and determined to win Evelyn’s affection, but all evidence points to him being the worst possible choice. He’s too young for her. Too irresponsible. Too underemployed. And, oh yeah, he’s her patient.

But Tyler knows firsthand how the best-laid plans can crumble under the weight of destiny. Now all he needs to do is to teach Evelyn that, in matters of the heart, love often supersedes logic.

So, there you have it. A little visit back in Bell Harbor, just in time for summer! Happy reading, all!

4 thoughts on “THE BEST MEDICINE”

  1. Karen j says:

    I can not wait to read this!!! 🙂
    I am signed up on Amazon to be alerted when you have a new release(I have no idea what its actually called as I’m sure there’s an official name). This morning as I was checking my email I saw one saying “New From Tracy Brogan” I was super excited so I clicked on the link only to see I have to wait!!! 🙁 lol

  2. Totally looking forward to The Best Medicine, Tracy!

  3. Sarah says:

    Love, love,to read great books! You have made waiting in lines, being bored, or simply enjoying an evening alone, delightful! Thank you!

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